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Q: Can I use your tracks on my own Youtube cover?

Short answer: YES. We love our tracks to be used on YouTube! And usually the song's publishers do too. Please note, that all rights to the underlying composition belong to the composers and/or their publishers. We just own the copyright to our sound recording. The publishers (who control the composition rights) can choose to remove your video, causing a strike to your channel, although this rarely happens these days.

You may receive a claim notification from our administrators "Sonosuite". This does not mean you're in trouble and will NOT negatively affect your account standing, it's just our claim of ownership.

Please note that you may NOT:
· Upload a video with our track by itself, with no creative addition.
· Create and upload a new karaoke video with lyrics.
· Claim our music as your own, including uploading a cover with our tracks to YouTube's Content iD system.
· Distribute the audio to Spotify, Google Play, iTunes, etc. without first obtaining a licence from us.

Q: Can I distribute my own cover to Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes?

Yes. If you want to use our music to record and distribute your own cover, you can get a license. Please, tell us about your project on and we will get in touch with you and prepare a quote.

Woman Singing

All musical material on this website is re-recorded and does not use in any form any feature of the original recording. Sgae License: SGAERRDD/2/1100/1212